Welcome to this month’s Blogorail Orange Loop. Today the kids are answering the question, which Disney Park is the best?

Connor, what’s the first thing a kid should do the first time they go to Epcot?
Germany. You have to go to Germany to see the trains. They are so cool. There is a tiny small motor train set outside. The trains go around on tracks through a city and village. There are farms, houses, and gardens, and a waterfal and river. And, there are zombies if you do the Agent P game in Germany! There are like 3 or 4 different trains. And there are lizards. The lizards are real lizards, so they look like giants that live in the train village. There is a bridge you can stand on in the middle and watch the trains. Sometimes they derail. It’s so cool.
So, besides the trains, what do you like to do at Epcot?
Well, I really like Soarin’, the Donald Duck Ride (Gran Fiesta Tour Starring the Three Caballeros), Test Track and the Agent P Adventure. I also like the aquarium and Living with the Land.
Which ride is your favorite?
The Donald Duck Ride!
Really, since when?
Since always! Donald is so funny! My favorite part is when he is swimming and he finds the baby purple octopus, but then the mama purple octopus comes and scares Donald!
Do you have a favorite part of Future World?
I really love Soarin’. You can smell the oranges, and see the fighter jets and aircraft carrier.
Did you know that Soarin’ in closed right now while they put in a new movie?
Really?! What is it?
It’s called Soarin’ Around the World and will feature all new scenes from around the planet. Does that sound cool?
No! I like the old movie because I like to see the jets! What will you see instead?
Things like the Great Wall of China, pyramids, the African Savannah and other important world landmarks.
Well, I guess that sounds kind of cool, but they should leave in the jets. Maybe it won’t be Disneyland at Christmas at the end, because that doesn’t even make sense!
What do you think of the Seas with Nemo and Friends area?
Well, the aquariums are cool to look at, but the ride is kind of for little kids. Logan (my 8 month old) will probably like it, but I think its boring. It’s really cool to see the sharks and stingrays in the aquarium, and the dolphins when they are there. And there’s a really cool big Mickey made of rocks. Turtle Talk with Crush is kind of cool too.
Can you tell me about Test Track? Last time we went I didn’t think you liked it.
The part I really like is making my own car on the computer and then racing it against everyone elses car that they made. But it is kind of scary, especially when it goes outside and goes really fast. There are also some cool games you can play at the end.
So, besides Germany and the Donald Duck ride, what other parts of World Showcase do you enjoy?
I like to play the Agent P Adventure with Dad.
Can you tell me about the Agent P Adventure?
Sure! It’s this game you play on your phone. Major Monogram and Carl send you on missions in the different countries to defeat Doofenshmirtz and save Perry. It’s fun and there are lots of this neat things that happen when you follow the clues. I think Japan is my favorite part because of the robot monsters. I also like France because Agent P flies through the sky. Dad and I usually play that while you go shopping.
Did you know they are putting in a Frozen ride? It opens soon.
No, I didn’t know that, but I’m not excited about it. Well, I guess a little excited, as long as it has Olaf, Kristoff and Sven in it, but not Ana or Elsa. I hope Marshmallow is in it.
There is also a new Ana and Elsa Meet and Greet. Do you think we can meet them next time we go.
Will Olaf be there?
Then no. The only girls I like are Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck.
How about Joy, Sadness and Baymax? You can meet them now at the Character Spot.
Well…I guess I’ll meet Baymax, but not Joy or Sadness. Don’t you remember that I didn’t like Inside Out? Too sad!
There are several performers in the countries around World Showcase. Are there any that you particularly like?
I like the drummers in Japan. Those drums are huge. I also like that guy that stacks all the chairs and climbs up them (France). I used to like to watch the band by America, but they aren’t there anymore.
But, the coolest part is the fireworks. Theres a big globe and a lot of fire all around the lake. Remember that one time we wore those special glasses and all the fireworks looked like Mickey Mouse!?
I do. Those glasses are pretty neat. If you had to recommend some things for people to eat at Epcot what would you suggest?
I like the restaurant that is by Soarin’ and goes in a circle.
That’s Garden Grill. What do you like about it?
I like seeing Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Chip and Dale, and I like that it goes in a circle veeeeeery, veeeeeeey slowly. Except once we went to the bathroom and then we couldn’t find our table because it had moved! Haha! There is also a Hidden Mickey painted on a wall with leaves that is really, really hard to find! Did you know that they grow some of the food for that restaurant in that same building! You can see the garden if you go on Living with the Land.
I also like to go in Club Cool and try all the Coke flavors from around the world. My favorite is to mix the watermellon one with the pineapple one and drink them together. But do not try the Beverly one! It is NASTY!

That’s good advice, Connor. Is there anything else you would like to tell people about Epcot.
Yes. Some of my friends say Epcot is boring and only for grown-ups, but I think their wrong. The train set is so cool and its fun to play Agent P. Plus the Donald Duck ride, Soarin’ and Test Track are really fun to ride! Everyone should go to Epcot. That’s all.
Well, thank you for letting me interview you about Epcot Connor.
You’re welcome Mom.
There you have it! The best of Epcot as described by a 6-year old Disney veteran. Connor had a blast being interviewed and is already set to give me his Hollwyood Studios must-do list! I hope you enjoyed his experiences! Be sure to read his advice for visiting Magic Kingdom as well!
check out the other great posts from the Blogorail!
Here is the map of our Magical Blogorail Orange | Kid Reviews | Why ____ Park is the Best Loop:
- 1st Stop – Disney Mamas | Epcot
- 2nd Stop – Adventurer Mom | Disney Cruise Line
- 3rd Stop – The Delightful Life | Animal Kingdom
- 4th Stop – This Roller Coaster Called Life | Disneyland
I love it! I think it’s sad how many people think that Epcot isn’t for kids. My kids love the Agent P adventure and snacking around the world!
I love snacking around the world! Connor isn’t too big of a foodie yet, but I know the day is coming! On our November trip I think I’m going to introduce him to Candy Around the World and let him pick a different candy in each country. Any recommendations?
My kids were big on the egg roll in China, frushi in Japan and the hummus/veggie plate in Morocco. For less adventurous palates I might start with pretzels in Germany, schoolbread in Norway, anything from the American Adventure Pavillion and the gelato in France!
This is so much fun to read! “Since always!” and “… “because that doesn’t even make sense!” made me chuckle. I can totally see my kids getting that riled up about such an interview, too. Thanks for sharing! Epcot is my favorite… he has good taste! 🙂
He loves being interviewed at about Disney, the little ham! Thanks for stopping by!
Aww great tips from a cute kid! I always find people tend to overlook EPCOT as a boring park but it’s one of my favourite and there’s so much to do there!
Ah, thanks! He is a cutie! Epcot is always his first reply when we ask what park to visit first!
My kids agree with Connor! Epcot is not just for adults, and there are lots of things for kids to do there!
I think that’s one of the things I love most about Epcot! There is truly something for everyone!
My sons will tell you that this is their favorite park. But really they just want to park themselves in front of the trains in Germany. Seriously that attractions is the best thing ever for little (and big) boys.