One of the things Connor looks forward to the most in the fall is the arrival of a Boo Basket on our doorstep, followed by shopping to create our own baskets to pass on to other neighbors. This year, we thought we would branch out into the Christmas season, and created our very own winter version of this tradition, taking a cue from our pal Olaf from Disney’s Frozen. Thus, You’ve Been Visited by Olaf was born!

We picked up cute Olaf & Sven reusable bags, Elsa marker sets and Frozen Snow Balls (white cheese balls) at Target. Then at Wal-Mart I grabbed Olaf Model Magic kits, Frozen Puzzle Ornaments, Frozen Jelly Belly jelly beans, Snow in a Can, and Hot Chocolate packets. I also picked up a couple of Olaf Cookie Pop kits that I found in the holiday baking aisle (which did not wind up making it in our bags because Connor says he wants to make them for his teachers at school).

I wrote and typed up a cute little poem and put together the graphics using Printed them out on cardstock (Print 3 sets for each family: one for them to keep and two for them to give away), and then Connor and I put together our bags of Olaf goodies!

You can download a printable of both signs here: Instructions for spreading Olaf Cheer | Disney Mamas! If you help Olaf spread some holiday cheer we would love to hear from you here or on our Facebook page! Bonus points for photos!
This is such a fun idea! I love the cute poem!