Today I’m doing Wordless Wednesday a little differently. In honor of everyone graduating this spring, I’m dedicating this post to one of my former students, and now wonderful friend, Laurina. You see, over her four year’s in our high school theatre program, Laurina and I started to realize how very similar we were, and still are to this day. This all started when we discovered our mutual love for all things Disney, baseball and musical theatre. During her senior year she basically became family, and we have never looked back. At some point people started to think we were actually related (we look a lot alike, and our mom’s look a lot alike too). She is a star.
Laurina has a wonderful perspective on life, and best of all she never gives up on her dreams. Her love for Disney is deeply rooted and this fall she will be taking part in the Disney College Program at Walt Disney World. I’m so very proud of her!

Love this!! What a great story!! Disney magic!
Thanks! She is an awesome girl!
Disney BFFs are the best! Here’s my June Calendar Shot! for #DisneyWordlessWednesday
How special! Congratulations to her on the College Program! I hope she has a great position and enjoys her time. What an experience!
Will do! Thanks for stopping by!
Congratulations!!!!! Enjoy the magic and may pixie dust always follow you!!!!!
Great pictures, I love the story a true inspiration 😉
Wonderful photos and huge congratulations to Laurina for being accepted on the Disney College Program!
Oh my goodness- that beautiful face is beaming with GLEE!!! (And she does look like you. I bet she’s so grateful you are in her life.) Happy June!